When your LadyHusband just…gets you ❤️❤️❤️ I love you so much beautiful woman thank you for being my life mate

When your LadyHusband just…gets you ❤️❤️❤️ I love you so much beautiful woman thank you for being my life mate
It is with so much excitement and love that I share Menstrual Blood Jewellery.
Menstruation is not disgusting or embarrassing these are things society has made it.
Menstruation is cleansing, natural and the reason we are all here.
So embrace your period women
Happy days 😍 my very first repeat customer delivered a baby girl and her womb buddy is ready for Encapsulation
I MUST HAVE NOW!!!!!!!! My coffee will be so boring without a baby crowning or placenta!!!! Please please please let there be a travel mug option!!!
Placenta pick up with my big guy!!! Deacon is my 11 year old little professor. He is kind and gentle and the most incredible friend ever!! MAN!!! I helped to create some amazing humans
Hi lovely people, I’m Emma from @blissfulbeyondbirth and also @fullcirclenurture Much Preparation is happening behind the scenes of my new business, I can’t wait to share all of the amazing DNA Jewellery eye candy with you. I will be sharing my journey to the launch of Full Circle Nurture DNA Jewellery so please feel free to follow me
Look @moggy1080 it’s us!!! 🤣🤣 i really want to do the thing that you told me to stop and think about🤣🤣 love you
Is there anything nicer than a wood fire on a cool evening
❤️Custom hand made soap created with YOUR BREASTMILK ❤️ Made with olive oil soap and your very own fresh breastmilk for just Bubba’s delicate skin.
It’s completely natural. No fillers.
And very gentle for babies skin.
No nasties!
400ml if expressed Breastmilk makes 20 soaps
Price is $120
Rose from @veritysoaps is a fantastic soap maker with years of experience making soaps.
Contact Rose directly to arrange custom made Breastmilk soap for this great price (Photo not of actual soap
Like a lot of women I knew one day I wanted to be a mother, my now husband and I planned to start a family after we turned 30 but our babies had different plans…..we were 24.
I Woke up for the third day in a row after a night out with friends still feeling sick and thought, Man! This hangover is lasting forever! Wait what is the date? Hmmmm…. Yep, the test was positive. I took the test to my partners work and in private, looking white as a sheet told him we were pregnant. He turned a paler shade of white, mumbled something about going back to work and turned away in a daze (funny to think back on now). I drove to my best friend’s house, stood on her stair and cried. She looked at me having seen me the day before and noticing that I was sick them. She instantly knew why I was there.
Now I was really nervous, I went to see my GP who referred me to see my OB/GYN as he was seeing me due to some nasty results from 3 pap smears in the years before. CIN II and CINIII (twice) so my cervix was very short and scared. He was concerned that I would have an incompetent cervix and would require a cervical cerclage (a stitch to keep the cervix closed) at around 16 weeks. I felt so scared I was almost disconnected from the fact that we were having a baby, too scared to get excited a feeling that I would come to know VERY WELL. We had a small bleed early on, looking back it was more than likely implantation bleeding but it was terrifying.
The baby and I were checked regularly and my cervix remained closed without the need for a cervical cerclage. At 20 weeks we decided to find out the sex of our baby to help ease the fear I was feeling, we were having a baby boy. The rest of my pregnancy was nice and smooth, I have very little morning sickness although dad to be vomited often.
I refused to set up anything baby related in our house, it sounds strange but I was terrified to return home from the hospital with no baby and a house with a set up baby room. We had clothes and nappies but no cot although we had organised to buy one when the time came.
For the full post please visit our Facebook page…