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This incredible image I took recently. I was in awe of how beautiful this placenta and umbilical cord was.
What I’m showing you is a Velamentous cord insertion, which is when the umbilical cord inserts into the membranes not the chorionic plate of the placenta.
This ‘can’ be a dangerous situation especially if there is an artificial ruptured of membranes, but in this case mum and babe we perfectly fine and in safe, professional, experienced care. The vessels look strong and are also in close proximity to the edge of the placenta.
Needless to say the cord keepsake was spectacular

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hmmmm should I sleep or Encapsulate? 🤣🤣🤣 Placenta nerds never sleep!!!! Waiting on an emergency capsule delivery, with a placenta in the dehydrator as I type and sanitation happening on day 1 equipment I’m so keen for these capsules I’m planning on stalking the courier!! ❤️❤️ false knots, velamentous cord insertion, long cords, eccentric insertions, blood clots, VBACs, boy babies, girl babies, soooooo cute, my gosh my head is swimming with so much awesome placenta, birth and baby goodness!!!!! ❤️When all of your clients for the month deliver beautiful healthy babies within days of each other

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I recently had the pleasure of creating this crystal pendant for a mama ❤️ Maddison’s journey is beautiful and you can read it in the link below @fullcirclenurture
Maddison’s Breastmilk crystal is divine x read about her journey here he is one dedicated mama you can also find Maddison’s business on Facebook at

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Real-ness!! My youngest has a comfort thing where he rubs his ‘ruggy’ my Kmart cardie between it’s fingers or rubs his face, or when he is really upset I have to cup his ears to calm him. But this morning after being told not to pick up the ‘outside ants’ (Green ants) he pick one up anyway and is now not a happy boy. So I look down to see him pinching my boob skin 🤔 I couldn’t really feel it but it comforted him while we cuddle and learn about dinosaurs. Got me thinking…I am yet to see a post on social media about all that extra boob skin we get from our journeys. I have breastfed 4 children for a collective total of almost 8 years and been pregnant 8 times. I am not fit, and I’m about a size 16. I have a healthy body image so I’m quite comfortable with how I look. Still this boob skin had me wondering why no one talks about it or probably more accurately did I miss a boob skin post somewhere?