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❤ E X C I T I N G N E W S ❤
Blissful Beyond Birth has a new Placenta Arts Specialist ❤
The Beautiful and very special Shelby Malone, Shelby is a Registered Nurse, a Student Midwife and a Mama to baby Max. She will be working with me and nerding out over all the amazing placentas we will be encapsulating.
Shelby had been a part of my life for the last 5 years and was with my husband and I from early pregnancy with our 3rd baby Zakk and in the room with us when we had our 4th baby Wyatt.
Having all the same qualifications that I do, your placenta will be in loving hands with Shelby and I know you will love her as much as I do

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hmmmm should I sleep or Encapsulate? 🤣🤣🤣 Placenta nerds never sleep!!!! Waiting on an emergency capsule delivery, with a placenta in the dehydrator as I type and sanitation happening on day 1 equipment I’m so keen for these capsules I’m planning on stalking the courier!! ❤️❤️ false knots, velamentous cord insertion, long cords, eccentric insertions, blood clots, VBACs, boy babies, girl babies, soooooo cute, my gosh my head is swimming with so much awesome placenta, birth and baby goodness!!!!! ❤️When all of your clients for the month deliver beautiful healthy babies within days of each other