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I am officially recognised as an endorsed DNA & Breastmilk Keepsake Jewellery Artisan, as part of the exclusive Baby Bee HummingbirdsTM professional network. You should see my certificate IT IS DIVINE 🥰 @babybeehummingbirds I still fan-girl talking to you. You have inspired me few years now. Having this opportunity to be endorsed by you is blowing my mind and I am literally in tears again!!! Thank you for holding my hand and holding space for me to grow. You and Lauren have helped my beyond words I love you both xxxxx

Instagram Post

Dear creative souls
Do you want 2019 to be your year to really shine?
Do you have a passion to help preserve life’s precious moments in time?
Do you want to learn how to mix your passion and creativity with business and create a rewarding career as an Accredited DNA Jewellery Artisan?

The Baby Bee Hummingbirds Academy is now open for 2019 enrolments, you will learn how to preserve Breastmilk and milk substitutes, how to correctly set DNA into resin, you will learn the ins and outs of finding the best offerings and materials to make high quality pieces.
Not only that you will also lay the base foundation for a successful business, with mentoring from incredible women who specialise in marketing, personal and business branding and more.
DNA Artistry is an Industry that has more than enough interest and business to go around, no two artisans are the same…each specialises and infuses their talent into their work in unique and stunning ways and will attract clients who resonate with them.
If you would like to join the Baby Bee Hummingbirds Academy at the special and massively discounted 48hour early bird enrolment price click the link below NOW!!! WORLD WIDE ENROLMENTS ❤️❤️ https://fullcircleemma–